Today is a miserable day for me...Have not enough sleep last nite,,,written exams this morning, which is a bit tough for me because the questions are more on theoretical, less calculation,,,,Oral exams at noon, Dr. Gaber ask me on something that I could answer by luck (alhamdulillah),,,terik mentari Mesir,,,,went to *mahallah to buy eggs because we have run out of budget to buy other lauk for this month,,,,,And I also bought 2 bottles of mineral water,,,,,Almost drop the eggs because my hand felt very weak all of sudden(losing grip), don't know why,,,,Arrive home safely, Aqila get the door for me n she ask : Hanan ok tak ni? Jalan melayang-layang...My answer is simply : hehehe....,,,,Then I change my clothes (Gosh! I'm almost all wet in sweat!),,,,I feel so very deeply exhausted,,,,dehydrated maybe...,,,After Solat Zuhur, I decided to sleep for a while,,,,before I climb up my bed, I switch on my lappie, log in to my FB account, see the updates,,,,,And somehow I feel so excited when I found that someone has tagged my photo,,,I click on the pic and...Whow!!!! I actually knew that this person is currently working on editting n tagging pic of his friends, honestly I do admire his work damn much! But I never thought that he would do one for me......and he did!!! I LIKE!!!! I leave a comment and then go to continue my journey (lalalala)...waaaahhh, my body feel so at relieve once I lay down on my bed,,,,I hold my teddy, recite some prayer, and ZzZzZzzZZ...........You know what? I only woke up when the day is getting dark..Alamak!! I should cook for iftar today!!! I jump from my bed and go to the kitchen.....What to have for breakfasting today? It's late already....I open the fridge and, OMG!! Banjir! Huuuu..Our freezer is very unique (like kutub utara kutub selatan)....Always overfroz, water drops turned to ice...But, we wonder why the ice cube that we want to make tak jadi ice at all! And that is the reason why our fresh meat and chicken does not last even for a few days...The freezer is a big problem for us now....And I end up with making 'nostalgia' fried rice....Simple, easy,and save time......Enough with my neverending story...
Now, take a look at this....(jeng jeng jeng) (drumbeats)

Ok! First of all...title kat atas tu memang aku tanye chantek tak...But I want u to know that I'm not asking wether the person (me) in the picture is chantek or not...(I'm not dat perasan laa..huhu)...I'm actually talking about the arts of this picture...Very nice isn't it? Eventhough I'm so selekeh in this pic, with tudung yg menggelembung-gelembung tuh,n muka yang masam semacam je,,,,this pic still nampak sgt menarik for me,...I like it!!!! huhuhu...Credit to my cousin, Abang Imran....Sungguh rajin dye mengedit n men'tag' my pic kat facebook..Bukan my pic je, abes pic kawan2 dye puwn jadi bahan karya......Sape2 yang suke meng'usha' pic lawa2 tuh, bolehlah mengintai kerje seninye...Byk lagi gmbar lawa2 dye edit...sifoo lah katekan kan......Actually I'm very2 interested in photography play nie.....Tapi.........Sedihnye aku na cakap, aku tak ade camera n tak ade mase yg byk juge utk menelaah sume2 nie.....huhuhuhuhu...Tak apelah, aku snap pic ngan Nokia 6500 aku tu puwn jadilar lau ade moment2 yg aku rase na share ngan u guyz kat blog nie...Wait until I've graduated with flying colors, be a succesful n dedicated superdentist, I'll own the best camera at that zaman...hohoho...And I'll learn seni2 mengedit gambar (instant2) nie....beraaaangan!...hahahaah...
Anyway, sape2 yang mmg berminat ngan mende2 cam nie, bolehlar ke yer....Dengar citer tutorialnye ade di sane...Sekian dahulu dari saye...
P/s: Abang Imran,,,Shukran jiddan2.....Ana aiza kaman (saye nak lagi).....boleh tak?? X))))